Title - Another House at the Castle – Multidisciplinary Intervention
Edited by - Luís Firmo (PT)
Selection, Editorial Matter and Contributions - Luís Firmo (PT), Isabel Baraona (PT)
Graphic Design - João Vinagre
Keywords - Cultural Animation; Drawing; Sculpture; Public Space; Installation; Education; Site-specificity; Video; Photography
Languages - Portuguese-English
Number of Pages - 64
Publication Date - 2008
ISBN - 978-989-95397-3-0
Size - 21cm (H) x 16.5 cm (W) x 0.5 cm (D)
Weight - 135 gr
Price - 8€
«The premises of this second intervention are, essentially, identical to the previous project. One originates the Other, that is certain! However, the fact that this continuity is taken into account could suggest a certain amount of conditionalism in terms of reading and response, which never happened in practical terms. On the contrary, the dynamics that supported this Other intervention were not as much originated by the works and the approaches produced previously, when associated to the intensification of the idea of return, which gradually sets in our perception via intuition – of time passing by, of memory and ourselves as sensitive suspects, when facing the space of the intervention. The idea of return is foreseen as a catalyst for the entire project, strongly distinguishing this Another House at the Castle.
From it derives the game that is proposed to us, namely, the revision and reorganization of our understanding via the confrontation of a different communication order, especially because it is separated from the promotional and pamphleteer mechanisms that saturate our daily life. The building symbolically implanted in the urban mesh also experiences another dissociation; from the Castle it senses and watches over the moving city, and in its garden we are invited to rest our anxiety and breathe another time, probably a forgotten one, but towards which we share a sense of belonging. These aspects contribute for the relevance of this Other intervention and also for it to appear as a vast set of astonishments and questions that were able to integrate around them discussion concerning the need of understanding in a more advantageous and diverse way art and its relation with the city-space-body-experience in which we live in.
The joy of the meeting promoted by the materiality of these artistic and educational proposals with this space and the specific environment that integrates them, allows to recognize the co¬m¬¬mit¬ment of the curator and the several artists and animators involved, which I congratulate with gratitude, wishing that their contribution may promote the strategic need for Research, Experimentation and Promotion of sustained forms of action on the real-social space of the city, and stimulate that same city using art and the creative process as the tool of choice.»
Luís Firmo
Transforma Artistic Director