Bárbara Ramalho, Carolina Rocha, Rita Monteiro e Sara Machado
Weather report
The prognosis surface for today is, warm weather, sunny with thunderstorms and heavy showers, with high degree of acidity. The maximum temperature may reach 50 ° C, with sudden temperature variations. Influenced by Azores anticyclone, the wind will blow with gusts of 120 km / h. There will be great wave sea with waves of 10 to 15 meters. Against this background we recommend that you hold your breath and avoid sun exposure. Protect yourself but do react, because we ran out of emergency exits.
8th & 9th July 2011 . 6.00pm
Largo Stº António, Torres Vedras, Portugal
Creation/Interpretation: Bárbara Ramalho, Carolina Rocha, Rita Monteiro e Sara Machado . Music Edition: Sara Machado . Video/Teaser: Sofia Caetano (Photography), Hugo França (Edition & Setting)
Text: Angélica Liddell (Adaptation) . Costumes: Bárbara Ramalho, Carolina Rocha, Rita Monteiro e Sara Machado Curators: Luís Firmo, Transforma / Mark Deputter, Teatro Maria Matos
Thanks to: Sofia Caetano, Hugo França, Paulo Ramalho, Margarida Rosa
Watch the Video - 40 Graus à Sombra -