Title - From Place Specific, the Connecting Sites and Communities Documentation Project – APAP IV
Volume and Portuguese Editor - Luís Firmo
German editor - Gabriela Daedelow and Anna Stein
Italian editor - Angela Fumarola
Austrian editor - Bertie Ambach
Belgian editor - Koen Kwanten
Polish editor - Adam Kowalski
Contributors - Adam Kowalski (PL), Andreas Müller (DE), Angela Fumarola (IT), Anne Juren (FR/AU), Antonio Tagliarini (IT), Cabula6 (AU), Daria Balducelli (IT), Dariusz Jurus (PL), Fouad Asfour (DE) Jeroen Peeters (NL), Gabriela Daedelow (DE), Gabriela Vaz (PT), Jeremy Xido (USA), Koen Kwanten (BE), Luca Trevisani (IT), Luís Firmo (PT), Martin Nachbar (DE), Michael Stolhofer (AT), Michal Zadara (PL), Patrícia Portela (PT), Sónia Baptista (PT), Stefanie Wenner (DE)
Graphic Design - www.cazulodsgn.com
Keywords - Community. Dance. Documentary. Local. Performing Arts. Public Art. Public Space. Site-Specificity. Storytelling. Video.
Languages - English and others
Number of Pages - 192
Publication Date - 2006
ISBN - 978-989-95397-0-9
Size - 29,5cm (H) x 20,5cm (W) x 1,5cm (D)
Weigh - 750gr
Price - 20€
«For several years now, a part of the younger performing arts have been drifting at the borders of the genre and beyond. Artists trying out concept, abstraction, social connections, vehemen-tly enter into non-theatrical contexts.
One is in search of new forms of presentation, direct and surprising encounters that are not predefined in the conventions of art presentation. One is looking for new, creative roles for the recipient, and a new and more important role for artistic ideas with regard to society.
The ideas for APAP IV_Place Specific – Connecting Sites and Communities sprang up within these fields of tension. We we¬re looking for artistic ideas which would take on their specific shape in the local context, which would be determined in exchange with the local environment; projects that through working together with local people and circumstances would enable an artistic and international view of the local specifics in six European cities.»
Michael Stolhofer
General Manager
APAP Advancing Performing Arts Project